Sunday, 28 July 2013

Balik Kampung!!!


Selesai sudah packing. Hopefully takde tertinggal apa2. Tak sabar dah ni. Tahun ni jugak, my roomie and super bff, DD akan pulang beraya ke kampung dia. Happy sangat for him. Dah empat/lima tahun menderita sambil menangis dengar lagu Airmata Syawal di pagi raya. Finally dapat jugak dia pulang ke kampung.

Train aku tonight pukul 8.30 malam. Tgh tunggu my friend, Mr Y datang ambil. Terima kasih sebab kerja separuh hari semata-mata nak antar kawan awak ni balik. Hehe. So petang ni berbuka dengan Mr Y lagi lah nampaknya. Boringnya. :p

Semua org tanya aku kenapa prefer naik train dari bas. Bas kan kejap jer while train ni 12 jam kot nak sampai Kuala Krai tu. Well, aku suka naik train sebab senang nak jaga barang, senang nak ke tandas dan rasa relax sangat naik train. Lagi pun aku boleh tidur dengan nyenyak. Biasanya aku beli yang kabin. So memang privacy lah. 

Oklah, nanti aku akan update blog lagi bila sampai kat Kelantan. Semoga selamat sampai. Aku nak check barang sekali lagi. Hehe aku ni jenis org yang suka tertinggal barang. Bye.

TV Review: Under The Dome Season 1


Sekarang tengah busy. Duk kemas barang untuk balik kampung esok!!! Yes!!! Tapi dalam pada sibuk tu, sempat lagi aku tengok siri tv terbaru, Under The Dome. 

Aku tak plan pun nak tengok citer ni, tetapi selalu baca kat entertainment website pasal cerita ni. Rating yang tinggi dan feedback pun bagus. So bila baca sinopsis, rasa macam menarik pulak so decide nak tengok Pilot episode. Apa yang aku boleh kata, memang best lah. 

Cerita yang diadaptasi dari novel tulisan, Stephen King ini mengisahkan penduduk di Chester's Mill sebuah pekan kecil yang terputus hubungan dengan dunia luar ekoran dari sebuah kubah misteri yang wujud di pekan mereka. Mereka tidak dapat menembusi kubah itu dan harus berikhtiar untuk memastikan mereka selamat dan berjaya melepaskan diri dari kubah misteri itu. 

Ini adalah antara watak-watak utama dalam cerita ni 

Dale 'Barbie' Barbara ~ Dale atau lebih dikenali sebagai Barbie ni lebih kurang hero lah dalam cerita ni. Bekas tentera yang datang ke Chester's Mill untuk memungut bayaran kalah judi seorang doktor, tanpa sengaja telah menembak doktor itu. Setelah menanam mayat doktor itu, Barbie tidak sempat keluar dari Chester's Mill ekoran kubah misteri yang muncul. 

Julia Shumway ~ Wartawan tempatan dan isteri kepada Peter, doktor yang telah ditembak oleh Barbie. Julia tidak mengetahui kejadian yang berlaku antara Barbie & suaminya. Dia menawarkan Barbie untuk tinggal di rumahnya. 

Deputy Linda Esquiel ~ Deputy Sherif yang terpaksa mengambil alih tugas sebagai ketua selepas sherif yang sedia ada meninggal dunia. Terpisah dengan tunangnya yang berada di luar dome/kubah

James 'Big Jim' Rennie ~ Big Jim merupakan politician dan disegani oleh penduduk Chester's Mill. Walaubagaimanapun, dia telah menyelewengi kepercayaan penduduk dengan menjadikan Chester's Mill sebagai tempat membuat dadah. 

Angie McAlister & James 'Junior' Rennie ~ Junior merupakan anak kepada Big Jim ni mengalami masalah mental dan telah mengurung kekasihnya, Angie di bilik bawah tanah disebabkan rasa cemburu melihat Angie berbual bersama Barbie. 

Joe McAlister ~ Adik kepada Angie. Diselamatkan oleh Barbie setelah hampir menjadi korban kepada dome. Ibubapa Joe & Angie berada di luar kubah. 

Carolyn, Alice & Norrie Hill ~ Carolyn bersama isteri dan anaknya terperangkap di dalam kubah semasa mereka singgah di Chester's Mill untuk mengisi minyak. Norrie dan Joe menjadi rakan setelah mereka sama-sama mengalami seizure dan merapu dengan ayat2 pelik. 

Phil & Dodee ~ DJ dan engineer yang bertugas di satu-satunya stesen radio yang menjadi pusat maklumat kepada penduduk Chester's Mill.

Sekarang dah tengok sampai episode 5. Nanti AXN mesti akan tayang cerita ni sebab konsepnya sangat sesuai untuk channel AXN. Overall, memang addictive sangat.

Big Brother 15 - Episode 13


It's time for the fourth eviction. Here are my recaps. 

1) Judd, Howard, Spencer, Kaitlin & Gina Marie made an alliance and they called themselves 'The Grasshoppers'. Unfortunately Judd didn't really like this alliance so he turned on them by telling the other houstguests about this fake alliance. 

2) People started to consider to vote out Kaitlin over Aaryn because Kaitlin is more smart and likeable than Aaryn while Aaryn will always has target on her back. Helen told Elissa about Kaitlin's deal with Howard & Spencer and try to convince her to vote out Kaitlin.

3) But Elissa don't trust Aaryn so she went to Kaitlin and tell her that Aaryn told people about her deal with Howard & Spencer and now people want Kaitlin to be evicted. Aaryn overheard this conversation and she tells Helen about it. Helen confronts Elissa about it but Elissa denied. Suddenly everyone is in the room for a house meeting. Elissa & Aaryn had a fight. 

4) Time for live vote. Everyone vote to evict Kaitlin. Kailin was so pissed off and she only hugs Gina Marie on her way out. 

5) HoH Competition. It's all about luck & focus. They must drop a ball down a ramp onto a roulette wheel. The highest number out of 36 wins. Aaryn scores the highest score and Elissa & Amanda almost tie Aaryn's score. It's going to be interesting to see if Aaryn will honor her deals with Helen. 

Here is the link for Episode 13

Episode 13

Big Brother 15 - Episode 12

Hello, BB Fans..

Finally watched episode 12. Here are my recaps of this episode.

1) Elissa starts to paranoid when she wasn't called to DR for MVP. And to make things worse, she was nominated by America this week. Yes, America is the MVP. 

2) Everyone starts to speculate on what happened. Kaitlin thinks Elissa nominated herself so she can cause some drama. Elissa accused one of the mean girls that put her up. 

3) Pov Competition. The players are Judd, Aaryn, Kaitlin, Elissa and McCrae & Helen (random picks). Another fun competition. There's an election theme and the HGs must dig through a mud pit to find ballots with different numerical values. They have eight minutes to collect four ballots, and whoever's total is the highest wins. Each time they get one they must decide to keep it or discard it. Some have punishments or rewards that the HGs must take whether they win or lose.

4) Elissa won the veto with 40 points. But she must sit out for the POV next week as her punishment. Judd got 24 hours in solitary confinement & Helen received an 8pm curfew for two nights. McCrae won $5000. 

5) It's time for McCrae's birthday. It was supposed to be fun but Elissa starts to insult Amanda's outfit and said she looks like a stripper and she'll never wear a one piece bathsuit with a body like that. Lol. That's mean and Amanda's crying in the bathroom. It's quite ironic considering Amanda always insulted Candice's weight before.

6) Elissa removed herself from the block and the next choice for MVP nominee is Gina Marie.  

Here are the link from Dailymotion (Courtesy of QuirkyDude)

Episode 12

Friday, 26 July 2013

Iklan Raya Petronas 2013 - Jahit


Tadi aku dapat tengok iklan raya dari Petronas. Iklan raya Petronas ni memang antara iklan raya yang paling best. Antara iklan-iklan raya yang dari Petronas ialah "7 Beradik", "Strangers", "Abah" dan "Burung Murai". 

Untuk tahun ni, tajuk iklan raya Petronas ialah "Jahit" dengan tema utamanya kudrat membawa berkat. Mengisahkan 2 beranak (ibu & anak perempuan) di mana ibunya bekerja sebagai tukang jahit dari siang dan malam demi mengumpul duit untuk membayar yuran universiti anaknya nanti. Pengorbanan ibunya berbaloi anaknya berjaya mendapat biasiswa. 

Very touching. Terus teringat my Mama yang kadang2 ambik upah untuk jahit baju. Lepas sahur, terus kat mesin jahit untuk mencari rezeki lebih. Thank you, Ma. Iklan dia aku tepek kat bawah ni ya.

Thursday, 25 July 2013

Biskut Raya Kegemaran


Hari ni nak cerita pasal biskut dan kuih raya. Tak sabar sangat nak beraya nampaknya. Aku sekarang ni tgh mood nak balik kampung. Beberapa hari lagi nak balik. Tak sabarnya. 

Kalau time raya, benda yang aku paling suka sekali ialah biskut raya. Kalau pergi rumah orang aku akan pergi cari biskut raya dulu. Aku tak kisah sangat pasal juadah lain tapi biskut raya tu penting. Mak aku memang suka beli biskut raya. Sejak dah bekerja ni, aku sendiri pun tak pernah missed nak sumbang biskut raya. 

Sekarang ni, ramai org yang lebih suka beli biskut dari buat. Entahlah mungkin sebab harga biskut sekarang pun dah tak mahal macam dulu. So baik beli saja. Family aku pun sama. Kalau dulu masa sekolah, mesti kena tolong mak aku buat biskut. Tergugat iman jugak masa tu. 

Hari ni aku nak cerita pasal biskut raya kegemaran aku. So kalu korang nak share korang punya favorite pun boleh. Comment box menanti anda dengan setia. Huhu.

1. Mama Carries/Carrie/Carey

Sampai sekarang aku tak sure mana satu nama yang betul untuk biskut ni. Takpelah yang penting sedap. Aku memang suka lah biskut ni. Rasa susu dan nestum sikit. Very milky and creamy. Jumpa biskut ni memang aku takkan segan silu lah meminta tuan rumah refill balang kalau dah habis. 

2. Almond London

Peminat tegar coklat mesti suka biskut ni. Akulah tu. Tambah pulak dengan kacang. Aku masih ingat lagi, berhempas pulas aku dgn mama aku nak buat biskut ni. Memang sedap. 

3. Biskut Cendawan Coklat

Ni satu lagi favorite. Mama aku tiap2 tahun memang akan order biskut ni. Seriously sedap. Kalau siapa yang rasa Almond London padat sangat dengan coklat dan kurang suka, patut cuba biskut ni. Tapi aku jarang jumpa orang jual biskut ni. Payahlah sikit nak dapat. 

4. Batang Buruk

So far kuih batang buruk yang paling marvelous pernah aku rasa ialah dari Muar. Dulu selalu dapat pesan dari my classmate, Kak Ai. Sekarang dia pun dah tinggal jauh. Huhu. Rindu sangat dengan batang buruk. 

5. Popia Kecil

Okay. Kalau time hari raya ni memang apa yang aku kena buat. Tiap2 tahun, muka ni lah yang gulung popia. Memang kerja aku ni. So aku yakin, bila aku balik Kelantan nanti, mama aku akan menunggu aku di depan rumah bersama kulit popia dan serunding ikan. Huhu. Tapi aku memang suka kuih ni. Tgk TV sambil kunyah benda ni. Best woo..

Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Sudah Jatuh Ditimpa Tangga, Bumbung & Atap!!!


Hari ni tajuk post aku merosakkan peribahasa sedikit. Huhu. Bukan apa, tapi pepatah tu lah yang paling sesuai untuk menerangkan situasi aku hari ni. 

Serba tak kena hari ini. First sekali masa nak pergi kerja. Aku tengah turun lif, lepas tu butang lif tu boleh stuck pula. Butang untuk buka pintu lif pun tak boleh. Apa kes ni.. Tetiba lif tu bergerak naik ke tingkat 10. Aku tinggal kat tingkat 3 dan nak turun kat G. Rupa-rupanya ada orang tekan nak naik. Mamat tu pun masuk. Dia pun tekan G. Dapat pulak. Masa aku tekan tak boleh. Turun je ramai org kat luar. Dia org tgh service lif. Semua duk sengih jer. Aku ni bukan main panik lagi, korang boleh sengih pulak

Second, taxi. Ya Allah. Dahlah panas & jerebu. Nak dapat teksi bukan main payah nya hari ni. Dah macam2 teknik aku guna. Lambai, lompat kijang, angkat dua belas tangan. After 15 minit, baru lah dapat naik teksi. 

Proses pengajaran lancar lah jugak. Walaupun anak colleague aku sedikit bising, tapi tak jejas apa-apa pun pada aku. Time balik kerja pulak, naik teksi pakcik psycho. Shoot. Tanya soalan macam-macam. Takde kaitan pun. Tangan aku duk gapai apa-apa jer dalam beg. Manalah tau pakcik tu pembunuh bersiri ker. Perompak ke. Mujurlah selamat sampai. Tapi dia stop kereta tengah2 jalan. Dah lah busy. Kereta belakang semua duk hon. Aku apa lagi tergopoh gapah lah. Puing. Kaki aku terlanggar batas. Sakitnya. Dahlah aku pakai flip-flop jer. Putus tali terus. 

Tapi aku sabar lagi. Then, around pukul 6.30. Turun nak pergi cari makanan berbuka. Damn!!! Semua kedai yang dekat kawasan rumah aku ni tutup. Pak Bambang ker, Cikgu nasi lemak ker, Kedai ayu ke, even Kedai Tomyam Kelantan pun tutup. Aku balik lah dengan hampa. Check makanan dlm peti. Nothing. Stock Maggi. Pun nothing. Mujurlah ada peanut butter. So aku hari ni adalah, peanut butter. Urban sangat. 

At least kenyang lah jugak. Tapi aku stiil order sandwich kat kawan aku. Ingat ke semua dah selesai. Cuci sudu yang aku pakai untuk peanut butter tu. Then nak tutup lampu. Grrrrrrrr. Kena elektrik pulak dah. HUHUHU.. Kat situ jugak aku jerit. Bengang sangat. Huhu. Kalau ada bunga kat kawasan rumah aku ni, sah sah aku pergi petik buat mandi bunga terus. 

Walaubagaimanapun, aku sedar ujian aku hari ni apalah sangat dengan org2 kat luar sana lagi tu. So banyakkan bersabar. By the way, aku harap jerebu ni cepat2lah berlalu. X larat sangat nak bertopeng bagai. Lady GaGa takpelah. Stop2 lah pembakaran haram tu ya. 

Big Brother 15 - Episode 11

Hello BB Fans!!!

This is my recap for the last episode. 

1) Judd won HOH but I don't think he plan to win. I love the letter from his parents. Very sweet and nice. 

2) Howard & Candice showmance. They look so cute together but I think we all know that Howard don't like Candice as much as Candice likes him. 

3) Gina Marie can't speak English properly. She thinks 'compronization' is a word.

4) Have Nots Competition. Another fun competition. The HGs divide into three teams of four. They weigh themselves first, then must eat a lot of frozen yogurt to gain the most weight. Everyone will enjoy two flavors: chocolate/vanilla swirl, and habanero/anchovy. Gina Marie is definitely the Queen of Froyo. She & her teammates (Aaryn, Kaitlin & Helen) gain most weights. Runner up is Team Amanda (with McCrae, Howard & Elissa). So Jessie, Andy, Candice & Spencer going to be the Have Nots for this week. 

5) Amanda once again become Demanda. She demands and kinda threats Judd to put up Howard. She wants Judd to do her dirty works. Judd didn't like the fact that Amanda push him to put Howard cause he's not on Howard's radar. 

6) Judd decide to nominate Aaryn & Kaitlin. It's a safe nomination but it's a good one. People want these two to be on the block. He put Amanda's key last. She needs to tone it down a little bit. If she worry that Howard is gunning for her, maybe she should start to win some competition then.

Monday, 22 July 2013

TV Review: Grey's Anatomy Season 9


Semalam aku off day. Tetiba rasa nak marathon Grey's Anatomy. Actually hanya tinggal 5 episodes je lagi tak tengok. So semalam takde apa nak buat, terus aku habiskan lima-lima episod.

Overall, aku suka season 9. Grey's Anatomy ni antara tv show yang paling konsisten untuk aku. Jaranglah menghampakan aku. Lagipun aku ni memang suka tengok cerita pasal doktor ni. Dulu aku suka ER. Then lepas ER cancel aku tengok Grey's Anatomy pulak. 

Season 10 akan start bulan September ni. So just nak review sikit apa yang berlaku pada watak-watak dalam cerita ni di hujung season 9.

Derek & Meredith

McBaby Boy is here. Happy sangat for Meredith. Selepas keguguran baby pertama back in season 7, Meredith pregnant balik. Then masa episod last hari tu, Meredith jatuh tangga, then ribut pulak (memang malang betul nasib Meredith ni) tetapi akhirnya Meredith selamat melahirkan bayinya. Tangan Derek pula semakin pulih selepas incident pesawat terhempas season lepas. 

Cristina & Owen

Cristina & Owen kembali bersama dalam season ni. Tapi at the end of the season Cristina sedar yang Owen mahukan anak suatu hari nanti tapi Cristina pula tidak mahukan anak. Jadi Cristina membuat keputusan untuk tinggalkan Owen. I felt bad for Owen. Hope nanti Cristina will change her mind about children. 


Dr Bailey pula trauma setelah menjadi punca kematian tiga org pesakit disebabkan oleh post-op infection. Walaupun punca wabak tu adalah dari sarung tangan, Bailey still rasa bersalah. Tetapi masa season finale hari tu, Bailey step up and help to save Meredith. Meredith named her baby boy Bailey sempena nama Bailey. 

Jackson & April

Lepas break up, April bercinta dengan Matthew, paramedik di Seattle Grace tetapi she's still in love with Jackson. Jackson pun sama. Still in love with April tetapi mengalah bila Matthew melamar April dengan cara romantik sangat. Tapi masa final, bila April sedar yang dia mungkin kehilangan Jackson, April told him that she'll stop her wedding if Jackson ask want her to do that. 

Alex & Jo

Jo ni intern baru dan banyak belajar dari Alex. Mereka saling menyintai tapi Alex masih lagi belum ready untuk bercinta semula dan Jo pula taknak rosakkan persahabatan mereka. Tapi masa season finale, they realized they were meant together and I'm so happy for Alex. He deserved a great girl and Jo completed him. 

Callie & Arizona

Couple yang paling banyak masalah season ni. First Callie terpaksa buat keputusan untuk potong kaki Arizona then Arizona menyalahkan Callie. Rumah tangga mereka bergolak sedikit but they manage to overcome it. Then muncul pula Lauren, yang selalu flirting with Arizona and Arizona cheated with her. Bila Callie dapat tahu, Arizona blame Callie for that. It's not fair for Callie at all. 


Richard pula sekarang couple dengan ibu Jackson and it was so awkward between him & Jackson. Masa season finale, Dr Webber kena renjatan elektrik masa cuba on kan suis and nasib dia akan diketahui season akan datang. 

Interns (Jo, Heather, Leah, Stephanie & Shane)

I love the new interns. Every single one of them were interesting. And they'll come back in season 10 as series regular (except Heather, due to her commitment to other show). I'm looking forward to see them more with a better storyline.

Sunday, 21 July 2013

Setelah 12 Hari Berpuasa

Salam semua.

12 hari dah berpuasa!!! Check berat jap!!! Huhu nothing!!! Takpelah puasa ni kan bukan sahaja untuk tambah pahala tapi bulan puasa ni jugaklah time kita restkan badan dari makan makanan dengan banyak. Macam aku ni, kalau breakfast mesti nak makan roti canai or nasi lemak. Time lunch pulak mesti nak ambil nasi. Kalau tak memang tak leh tumpu perhatian untuk mengajar. So dengan puasa ni at least dah dapat skip breakfast & lunch. Tapi time berbuka ganti balik breakfast dgn lunch. Huhu. 

Tahun ni, aku banyak berbuka puasa sendiri. My roomie, DD selalu kerja waktu petang ni and my friend, Mr. Y pun berpuasa kat luar negara tahun ni. So berbuka lah sorang2. Lagipun aku busy sangat this year. Balik pun dah dekat jam 6. Berbuka pun ala kadar jer. 

Mostly tahun ni, aku berbuka kat rumah. Setakat ni semua beli kat bazar ramadan. Manalah sempat nak masak kalau balik pun dah dekat jam 6. Letih lagi tu. Seingat aku hanya 3 hari je aku berpuasa kat luar. 2 kali dengan DD at Flaming Steamboat dan Texas Chicken. Flaming tu memang port kita org time 'kaya'. Texas Chicken tu pulak baru first time pergi. Lagipun cawangan Pyramid tu baru lagi. Tak sampai sebulan lagi buka. Konsep Texas Chicken ni sama je dengan Popeyes cuma Popeyes punya mashed potato lagi marvellous. 

Satu lagi berbuka puasa dengan Mr Y sebelum di berangkat ke tanah suci. Kami berbuka di port biasa. Delicious at Sunway Pyramid. Aku teringin makan nasi kerabu. Ya Allah portion dia. Huhu. Ciput nasinya. Tapi ayam dia besar giler. Takpalah, terima jer, Mujur ada orang belanja!!! Huhu

Selain itu, aku berbuka puasa kat rumah jer. Pergi bazar dekat rumah ni yang quite far jugak. Takpelah. Sambil tu boleh bersenam jugak kan. Anyway, aku tak sabar nak balik Kelantan. Rindu masakan Mama and berebut-rebut makan with my brothers. Aku kan cuma ada adik beradik lelaki so memang riuhlah time berbuka dengan berebut port berbuka puasa, berebut kuih akok dan murtabak. Seminggu lagi. Sabar-sabar. 

Okaylah. Tu pengalaman aku sepanjang puasa ni. Bersyukur sangat sebab masih lagi diberi kesempatan untuk berpuasa. So puasa ya, jangan tinggal-tinggal puasa tanpa sebab yang musabah. Jumpa lagi.

Segmen Klik Iklan by Namiqa

Jom join segmen ini yang dibuat oleh Cik Nauniqa. Sambil kenal bloggers baru boleh juga tambah side income. :)

My Iklan. Please click!!!

Segmen Follow Mengfollow Sampai Pengsan by Cik Hawa

Jom join segmen yang dianjurkan oleh Cik Hawa ni. Klik banner di atas untuk maklumat lanjut. 

Tag ~ Adam Faiz, Nao Mei

Saturday, 20 July 2013

My Top Ten Movies in 2013 (So Far)


Pejam celik pejam celik, rupanya dah habis setengah tahun dah 2013. Banyak yang berlaku pada tahun ni tapi satu yang memang tak berubah ialah minat aku pada filem. Aku kerap tgk movie tak kiralah kat panggung wayang or just beli DVD. Sepanjang tahun 2013 ni banyak jugaklah movie-movie yang best tapi kat sini aku nak compile my Top 10. This ranking based on my personal preferences ya!!! Takde kaitan dengan pendapat orang2 lain..

10.Ashiqui 2

Pelakon: Aditya Roy Kapoor & Shradda Kapoor

Dua-dua ni antara pelakon Bollywood generasi baru. Tapi aku tak kisah semua. Aku suka sangat cerita ni. Cerita Bollywood favorite aku so far. Chemistry pelakon bagus dan lagu-lagu dalam filem ni merdu sangat. Especially lagu Tum Hi Ho ni. 

9. Man of Steel

Pelakon: Henry Cavill & Amy Adams

Walaupun ramai yang tak suka, aku tetap suka. Henry Cavill is perfect as Superman. Aku suka filem ni sebab dia ada jiwa. Bukan sekadar Superhero movie. Cuma tak puas hati sedikit dengan chemistry antara Clark Kent & Lois Lane.

8. Monsters University

Pelakon (Suara): Billy Crytal & John Goodman

Aku suka sangat dengan tema cerita ni. Lot of cute monsters as well. Kelakar dan sesuai untuk ditonton dengan family and friends. Paling suka dengan karakter - karakter dalam Oozma Kappa. Cute dan comel-comel jer semua. 

7. The Host

Pelakon: Saoirse Ronan, Max Irons & Jake Abel

Memang antara salah satu cerita yang aku tunggu. Salah satunya sebab Stephenie Meyer. I think the novel is better but movie dia still okay to me. Suka sangat dengan Saoirse Ronan. Sejak dari cerita Atonement lagi. This novel supposed to be trilogy but still belum ada release date lagi. 

6. The Croods 

Pelakon (Suara): Nicolas Cage, Emma Stone, Ryan Reynolds

This is my favorite animation movie this year so far. Mesej yang kuat pasal family. Very funny and banyak character yang memorable from this animation. I love this one so much. Beside that, lagu tema dia dinyanyikan oleh Yuna. Love it. 

5. Star Trek Into Darkness

Pelakon: Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto, Zoe Saldana, Benedict Cumberbatch

Actually aku masih belum tengok lagi Star Trek yang first. Huhu. Tapi it's okay. Masih lagi faham tgk sequel dia. I love this movie. Especially the villain. Benedict Cumberbatch is a great villain. Totally impressed with him. Dia berlakon Sherlock versi TV. Ramai cakap bagus. I'll check that just because of him. 

4. Identity Theft

Pelakon: Jason Bateman & Melissa McCarthy

Kelakar sangat. Chemisty yang bagus sangat antara Jason Bateman & Melissa McCarthy. Stroyline yang menarik and memang lawaklah. Walaupun predictable sikit but it's okay. Totally fun with this movie. 

3. The Heat 

Pelakon: Sandra Bullock & Melissa McCarthy

Another Melissa McCarthy movie. I'm so in love with this girl. Seriously she's so funny. And together with Sandra Bullock, they were so perfect together. So much fun and totally enjoy this movie. The chemistry between the cast was superb

2. Iron Man 3

Pelakon: Robert Downey Jr, Gwyneth Paltrow

This is what a great superhero movie should be. Aku suka dengan first movie, I think second one should be better but the third one is my favorite so far. I think Gwyneth was such a badass in this movie. Love her. And Robert Downey Jr is still funny and charming like he was before.

1. Warm Bodies

Pelakon: Nicholas Hoult, Teresa Palmer, Analeigh Tipton

I LOVE this. Vampire is so yesterday. Movie ni pasal kisah cinta between a zombie and human. Bunyi macam stress je kan tapi dia olah cerita ni dengan komedi and it's very honest. Great chemistry between Nicholas & Teresa. I love them together. I love the ending. Great movie to me.

Friday, 19 July 2013

What's On My Ipod? #2


It's time to share my favorite song again. Aku ni memang kalau sehari tak dengar lagu memang tak sah. Rasa sunyi jer. Ni antara lagu-lagu yang memang selalu aku dengar at the moment. 

Wasting All These Tears (Cassadee Pope) - Mula mula dengar, aku rasa lagu ni macam biasa jer. Tapi lama-lama dengar aku makin suka lagu ni, Cassadee Pope ni ialah juara untuk The Voice US musim ke 3. Dia ni merupakan vokalis kumpulan Hey Monday. Aku suka MV dia as well. Walaupun genre lagu ni Country, aku suka sebab ada rock vibes sikit. Macam lagu dari Hey Monday jugak. Great song.

Made In The USA (Demi Lovato) - Single kedua dari album Demi selepas Heart Attack. I think Demi nampak cantik sangat dalam muzik video dan storyline dalam video pun kena dengan maksud lagu ni. Lagu ni simple tapi sangat catchy. 

Tum Hi Ho (Aashiqui 2) - Saja nak selitkan lagu hindustan satu. Lagu hindustan zaman sekarang ni takdelah best macam dulu2 tapi lagu ni seriously merdu gila. Aku baru jer tonton citer ni. Lagu-lagu dia semua best tapi this one paling melekat dalam kepala aku. Cerita dia pun seriously best. 

Ooh La La (Britney Spears) - From The Smurfs 2 movie. Very catchy and feel good song. Kids going to love this. Video dia simple tapi suitable dengan mesej lagu ni. Britney nampak cantik sangat dalam video. Nice tune. 

Treasure (Bruno Mars) - Bruno Mars still lagi dengan concept 70/80s untuk muzik video dia. Totally mengingatkan aku kat MV dari The Jackson 5. But this song is very good. Third single dari album Unorthodox Jukebox. Album ni ada banyak sangat lagu best. This is one of the best song in this album.

Big Brother 15 - Episode 10


First, no more video from largesibling. I think his account was terminated. I hope he will come back someday so I can share the video with you guys. 

Here are my recaps for today's episode

1) Jeremy try his best to save himself. But it's a little too late. And Jeremy as a baby is not cute at all. He also trying to make a deal with Helen & Elissa and promise them that he will not go after them. He will put Aaryn & Kaitlin over them which is b.s. I don't think Helen & Elissa trust him at all.

2) Houseguests are getting tired with Gina Marie sobbing over Nick. It's like a week already and she's still not finish mourning over Nick. So they want to prank Gina Marie by hiding Nick's stuffs such as mug, cereal box and shorts. Gina Marie find out about that and she's crying. Other houseguests feel bad and they give it back and tell Gina, they are just joking with her. But not Aaryn. I don't get her. GM is her bestie but she loves to see GM suffer from this prank. 

3) Interview with McManda's parents. I think McCrae's parents kinda proud with their son but Amanda's parents kinda surprise with this hook up and her mother secretly wish that McCrae is a CEO of software company instead of a pizza delivery boy. 

4) Jeremy was evicted by 9-1-0. Only Kaitlin voted to evict Spencer. I think he handles his eviction and interview really well. 

5) Julie reveals the new twist for MVP. This week America is the MVP and America will decide who's the third nominee. Duh, Aaryn!!!

4) HOH Competition. They need to predict who will America answer for several royalty title. Kaitlin once again made it to tiebreaker but lost again. This time to Judd. Judd is the new HOH. I'm so happy. I think he deserve this. I can't wait to see Judd & Jessie spend their time in the HOH room cause these two are so cute together. 

Thursday, 18 July 2013

I Like... Cory Monteith


Hari ni nak buat tribute sikit kat one of my favorite actor, Cory Monteith. Seperti yang korang semua tahu, Cory Monteith telah ditemui mati di dalam bilik hotel di Vancouver, Canada. Aku dapat tahu pasal berita ni pada hari Ahad lepas, semasa on the way balik rumah dari kelas. Yasmin got a call from her fiancee and I heard she's talking about Finn Hudson and I heard 'found dead' or something like that. So memang terkejut lah since dia baru jugak keluar dari rehab because of the drug abuse. Tapi memang betullah orang kata, kalau dah pernah terjebak dgn drugs ni, memang susah nak pulih balik. 

Anyway, aku kenal Cory ni sejak dari zaman Kyle XY lagi. Dia jadi boyfriend kepada watak heroin dalam drama ni. Tapi masa tu aku takdelah minat sangat Cory ni. Biasa-biasa jer. Then, here comes Glee. 

Glee ni start tayang masa aku tengah ambil Masters lagi. Masa tu juga aku tengah kerja part time kat cyber cafe. So aktiviti download mendownload secara haram memang berleluasa sangat. Salah satu tv show yang aku download ialah Glee. Dari first episode sampai lah sekarang, aku tak pernah miss. I'm a Gleek!!! 

Finn Hudson is one of the sweetest character in Glee. He's adorable and nice to the other kids even though, he's one of the popular student in the school. Love interest Finn pulak, of courselah Rachel. I really love their chemistry and mereka pun memang dating in real life. I heard, sekarang ni Lea Michele tgh prepare for their wedding. Not sure if this is true but I just don't know how to imagine what Lea's going through now!!! 

It sucks so RIP, Cory Monteith. Going to miss you. I don't know how Glee will continue without him. Anyway, here are my Top 3 performances from Cory Monteith in Glee. Girls Just Wanna Have Fun (Solo), We Got Tonight (Duet with Rachel) & Don't Stop Believing (Group).


Big Brother 15 - Episode 9


Just watch new episode of Big Brother and here are my breakdowns for this episode.

1) Elissa win MVP again. I like Elissa but this isn't fun anymore. Amanda & McCrae want Elissa to nom Howard because of the lying situation with Helen. But Elissa don't feel good about that. And there's a confrontation between them. I kinda agree with Elissa. If the plan is to evict Jeremy, it doesn't matter who goes up. Beside that Spencer don't really have anyone protect him while Candice likes Howard and she will be upset with Elissa if she puts up Howard. 

2) Jeremy don't get a coin to play veto. So the plan is working out fine for Helen & Co. POV this week is a memory challenge with a trampoline twist. The players are Helen, Kaitlin, Aaryn, Spencer, Gina Marie & Candice. Kailin win the veto and the different between her time and the runner up (Candice) is so huge. I think Kaitlin prove that she's a comp threat. 

3) However, it's a bittersweet win for Kaitlin cause if she remove herself from the block, Helen will put up Jeremy but if she refuse to use the veto on herself, she might be going home. At the end, she remove herself and just like that, Jeremy is on the block. Yay!!! 

4) Right now, the plan is for Jeremy to go home but anything can happen. I doubt the Houseguests will change their mind, cause Jeremy is such a threat in a douche way. So bye-bye Jerkmy!!!

Wednesday, 17 July 2013

What's On My Ipod? #1


This is my new way to share with you guys the songs that I love at the moment. Aku ni memang jenis suka music. Hardcore lover of music actually. Aku dengar banyak type of music. Tapi yang paling aku suka of course lah Pop!!!

So dengan adanya segmen What's On My Ipod? ni, bolehlah aku share dengan korang lagu apa yang aku tengah suka sekarang. Tak kiralah lagu baru or lama. 

We Can't Stop (Miley Cyrus) - Lagu ni memang stuck dalam kepala aku. Aku suka sangat dengan imej baru Miley walaupun liar sikit. Lagu ni memang top sekarang kat US. I think the beat is very catchy. Music Video pun unik. Music video We Can't Stop actually break Justin Bieber's record for the Most Views in 24 Hours.

Give It To Me (Sistar) - Okay. Akulah bukan peminat tegar K-Pop tapi sekali sekala, ambil tahulah jugak pasal music K-Pop ni kan. Antara lagu K-Pop yang memang aku tengah duk giler sekarang ialah Give It To Me by Sistar. Seriously catchy babe. Sekali dengar je dah masuk. Aku accidentally tgk MV dia actually but beat lagu terus stuck on my head. K-Pop lover need to listen to this. 

See You Again (Carrie Underwood) - First time aku dengar lagu ni masa American Idol. Carrie nyanyi untuk guest spot artist before the result. Tapi aku takdelah suka sangat masa tu. Then Kree Harrison nyanyi pulak lagu ni masa Top 5. Tiba-tiba jer aku jadi suka lagu ni. I love the lyrics so much. Very meaningful. And the music video is full with love. Tengok music video sangat inspiring. One of my favorite songs from Carrie Underwood.

Miss Movin' On (Fifth Harmony) - My favorite song right now. Rasa aku ada buat post pasal Fifth Harmony ni. Aku memang minat giler2 ar kat Fifth Harmony. Since The X Factor lagi. Walaupun mereka tak menang, aku still follow mereka. Harmonizers sangat. This song is catchy. Baru je released worldwide. Number 9 kat Itunes Malaysia. 

Masih Aku Cinta (Shila Amzah) - Tolong abaikan Nabil kat belakang tu ya. Annoying sangat. Suka lagu ni. Lirik lagu dia rasa cam real sangat. Simple tapi mendalam maksudnya. Lagu ni obvious sangat ditujukan untuk Shahnaz Ahmad. I love Shila since Terlalu Istimewa lagi then bila dia masuk OIAM, aku memang support giler Shila. Siap pergi tengok konsert final lagi untuk beri sokongan kat Shila. Keep it up!!!

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Segmen Tambah Follower By Sh.Amarina

Segmen Tambah Follower By Sharifah Amarina. Sesiapa yang nak tambah follower ke, jomlah join. Free of charge!!!

Follower Terkini - 62


Saja nak cuba nasib untuk this giveaway. Manalah tau tuah di bulan ramadhan ni kan. So jom lah join ramai - ramai. Klik banner kalau nak join.

Movie Review: Pee Mak


Akhirnya dapat jugak aku tgk cerita Pee Mak. Ramai org cakap best tapi malangnya Sunway Pyramid tak tayang citer ni. So bila tengok ada je DVDRip punya version, terus je download. Tengok semalam dalam pukul 2 pagi with my roomie, DD.

Pee Mak mengisahkan tentang Mak yang meninggalkan isterinya, Nak yang sedang sarat mengandung kerana mahu pergi berperang bersama empat rakan baiknya Ketika ketiadaan Mak, isterinya telah mengalami kesukaran untuk melahirkan anak mereka dan telah meninggal dunia. Apabila perang sudah tamat, Mak telah mengajak rakan-rakannya untuk bertemu dengan isteri kesayangannya. Sementara itu, khabar angin mula tersebar di perkampungan yang mendakwa Nak adalah hantu. Penduduk kampung dan rakan-rakan Mak cuba memberitahu kebenaran bahawa isterinya sudah meninggal dunia, namun Mak seperti tidak mahu menerima hakikat.

Bunyinya macam Nang Nak sedikit tapi dia ubahsuai menjadi cerita komedi sikit. Seriously aku ngan DD memang guling-guling lah tgk citer ni. Memang kelakar. Suka sangat dengan watak Mak dan kawan-kawannya. Nak pun memang gorgeous giler walaupun dalam versi hantu. Ending dia pun best. Unik dan lain daripada yang lain. Boleh kata happy ending lah. Overall aku memang suka sangat dengan cerita ni. 

Rating: 4.2/5

Monday, 15 July 2013

Movie Review: Pacific Rim


Petang tadi dalam pukul 3 sempat tengok movie Pacific Rim. Mula-mula tu rasa macam tak nak tengok je movie ni, tapi bila ramai kawan yang cakap best, so rasalah jugak nak tengok. Hari ni tengok movie sorang2 jer. Tapi perasan ada nampak muka familiar tadi. Rupa-rupanya Afiq Muiz ada kat tepi. Huhu. Girlfriend dia takde pulak hari ni. Harap-harap kontroversi dia dengan Mak dia sudah pun berakhir. Yalah syurga kan kat bawah tapak kaki ibu. Eh... dah melalut pulak citer pasal lain

Aku enjoy sangat tengok citer ni. Action dia bagus and pelakon2 pun sangat baik. Chemistry bagus sangat. Aku memang minat Charlie Hunnam. Suka sangat tengok cerita Sons of Anarchy. Tapi dalam Sons of Anarchy dia rugged sangat dengan rambut panjang and berjambang, so lain sangat muka dia dalam Pacific Rim. Nampak muda. 

Tapi paling aku suka sekali ialah Rinko Kikuchi. Dia ni actually first japanese actress yang tercalon dalam Oscar. Lakonan dia tadi memang best. Cute, fierce dan gorgeous at the same time. I love her. I never see Babel yet sebab ramai cakap boring, tapi mungkin aku akan tengok sebab Rinko Kikuchi ni.

Selain itu banyak lagi watak2 best dalam cerita ni including 2 orang researcher/scientist yang duk asyik gaduh jer antara satu sama lain tapi actually ambil berat antara mereka. 

I like the ending. Konflik pun best. Monster2 dalam filem ni pun quite scary. Overall this is a very decent movie. I like it.

Rating: 3.8/5

Bath & Body Works Malaysia (July 2013)


Sekarang ni memang aku tengah gila kat produk Bath & Body Works ni. Seriously wangi. Fragrance Mist dia pun memang kekal lama dan harga pun memang berpatutan. So memang aku akan beli lah produk ni. Lagi pun product line dia memang banyak. 

Untuk bulan Julai ni aku beli 2 fragrance mist dan 1 pocketbac which is a hand sanitizer. Ni gambarnya

PocketBac Fresh Picked Watermelon
Fragrance Mist Vanilla Bean Noel
Fragrance Mist Winter Candy Apple
Aku ni memang obses dengan hand sanitizer. Biasanya aku pakai yang Dettol Hand Sanitizer Soothe with Chamomile. So happy sangat dapat try hand sanitizer yang baru. Suka sangat dengan bau PocketBac ni. Bau Watermelon dan buat tangan kita rasa fresh sangat. 

Fragrance Mist yang aku beli ni actually from Holiday Collection. So memang limited sangat. Aku suka sangat bau Vanilla Bean Noel. Bau dia mixture of Vanilla & Caramel. Macam bau aiskrim pun ada. Winter Candy Apple pula bau dia fruity sikit. Ada bau candy sikit. Wangi jugak. 

So puas hati sangat dapat tambah collection. Nanti nak merancang untuk purchase bulan Ogos pulak. Jom.. Hehe.

Big Brother 15 - Episode 8


This is my recap for the latest episode of Big Brother

1. After the eviction. Gina Marie had a meltdown. A really crazy meltdown actually. She found Nick's short and hat and bring it along with her everywhere. 

2. While Aaryn, Jeremy & Kaitlin started to pick on Jessie who decided to flip. But I'm so proud of Jessie. She managed to defend herself well. Judd came and took Jessie out of the room full with evil people. So sweet. I love the two of them together.

3. Then Aaryn flipped the mattress of Candice's bed. Here comes the drama. Aaryn & Gina Marie mocked the way black people speak while Kailin was laughing at the background. I really hate these 3 along with Jeremy. I bet Candice almost slap those 3 girls but Howard came and pick up Candice out from the room. I felt bad for Candice. It was too much. But Howard convinced her to rise above all this petty racist crap and be better than those dumb women out there. 

4. The plastics then started to pick on Jessie again. Then here comes Queen Amanda and she owned Aaryn and called out Aaryn for being a racist. Aaryn was like 'No you're a liar' or something like that but Amanda dragged her to the pit.

5. At least Jeremy acted better than the girls. But it was so fake. No longer in 'Beast Mode' I guess.

6. Have Not Competition. Team Red (Candice, Elissa, Andy & Spencer) vs Team Blue (Howard & the Plastics) vs Team Yellow (Judd, McCrae, Jessie & Amanda). I'm rooting for Red & Yellow. Even Howard root the other team and he's trying to throw the comp. I was laugh out so loud especially when Howard throw the milk onto Aaryn's face. She deserved that. But at the end Red & Blue won the challenge and Yellow is the Have Nots for this week. 

7. Nomination ceremony was so easy. Aaryn & Kaitlin were nominated by Helen but the real target is Jeremy. They want to backdoor him cause they worried if Jeremy will turn into the Beast Mode again. Hopefully the plan is working. 

My Ranking this week

1. Judd
2. Elissa
3. Amanda
4. Candice
5. Jessie
6. Helen
7. Andy
8. McCrae
9. Howard
10. Spencer
11. Kaitlin
12. Gina Marie
13. Aaryn
14. Jeremy

Big Brother 15 - Episode 7


This is my recap for Episode 7. 

1. Eviction time!!! Nick was so confident that he will stay. But he was wrong. When McCrae learned that Jessie want to flip, he decided to vote with Amanda to keep Elissa. Nick was so shocked. I love this. Gina Marie cried for like 7 hours straight. Lol. If she know that Nick didn't really like her. 

2. Votes to Evict Nick - Amanda, McCrae, Candice, Judd, Andy, Jessie & surprisingly Spencer. I think he knew that they don't have the numbers anymore. 

3. Votes to Evict Elissa - Gina Marie, Jeremy, Kaitlin & Howard. Howard tried to blame Jessie for this vote. Liar liar!!! But it didn't worked out. Haha

4. Nick was so cocky in his interview. But I still like him. I think his biggest mistake in this game was not telling Elissa that he will vote for Kaitlin cause Elissa planned to put Kaitlin as Jeremy's replacement. 

5. HoH competition. It was close between these 4 (Helen, Jessie, Kaitlin & Howard) but Helen won the tiebreaker question. I'm so happy. She deserved that cause she studied so late the previous night.

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